Hello Everyone... my name is Michelle ... prefer call me Michie or Chelly .... im here to meet friends and post anime things,japan things,vocaloid things.Etc
Dont Worry YA, x3 if you wanna be my friend i´ll add you ...Im wanting a friend who likes vocaloid a lot looks like me any released? you like vocaloid a lot looks me? .... Juhm psst. you can be my bffe!(bestfriendforever)
I like the Superdollfies those are really cuties *-* awww , i like how the japaneses do those Dollyes awww..... x3... i like the cultures of japanese people a lot.... they are cute,educated,awesome,skinny.
[E T C]
Per month i will edit my profile and add new things... Kay... Im a girl who likes vocaloid,Naruto-K-on and japanese PPL and JAPAN... yeah im sad of what was happened on hapan im really wanting to help japan about the tsunami and earthquake when was here.... D.
i was cryed a lot about that happens that Day x/..... Okay.. friends have a nice day!!!
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